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Topic Infant
Confidence & Social Skills: Understanding Curriculum Goal

The Development of Social Skills: Ages 1 to 2 Questions on whether a child is too young to be independent or on the right track for developing a high proficiency in languages are always at the forefront of parents’ minds.…
Enjoying Parenting

“Why do I feel tired even after sleeping the night through?” “Why do other parents seem to cope better than me?” “I wished I have 72 hours a day.” Are these thoughts running through your mind? Do you often feel…
Safe Learning Environment for Infants and Toddlers

What is a Conducive Learning Environment Defined as the physical environment with specific settings and surroundings, a learning environment can vary according to a child’s age, needs, learning objectives, and more. For example, infants and toddlers are at the formative…
Choosing an Infant Care to Meet Infant Needs

As parents, we strive to give our little ones the best and provide them with an environment where they can meet their development needs and build the necessary skills to thrive in the future. Infant care in Singapore has become…