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Topic Nursery

Wonders of Gardening

Is your child a picky eater? Are you struggling to get your child to eat a healthy and balanced diet? Gardening might just be a crucial solution to your problems! In our little city with limited space, all you need is…

Resolving Conflicts

Very young children (toddlers and playgroup children) resolve their issues with their peers by instinctive reactions; like snatching an objects, hitting, biting, pushing etc. The older children especially from the age of four are more aware and knowledgeable of acceptable behaviours so…

Nurturing Curiosity in Kids

“Why is the sky blue?”, “Why is the grass green?”, and “Why are the clouds white?”, “Why, why, why….” Sounds familiar? Have you once heard these from your child? The world is full of wonders…and when babies are born, they…

Bedtime Stories with Daddy!

“What role does Daddy play in reading at home?” We’ve all heard or read about the importance and benefits of fathers being involved in their children’s lives – such as an increase in children’s cognitive abilities, self-control, empathy and emotional…