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Topic Toddler
What your child learns in preschool across different ages

What Your Child Learns in Preschool Across Different Ages Preschool marks an essential milestone in a child’s educational journey, building blocks for future academic and social success. While preschool may seem like just the beginning of their academic journey, it…
Should I enrol my 2-year-old in a pre nursery school?

Should I enrol my 2-year-old in a pre nursery school? Deciding whether to enrol a 2-year-old in pre-nursery education is a significant milestone for parents. This decision involves weighing various factors, from the cognitive needs of your child to their…
6 Tips for Helping your Child Fall Asleep

You are excited as a new parent, always imagining how fun it will be to have a baby at home. Your joy starts to wean off as you realised that your sleep patterns and quality of sleep are now compromised…
Guide to Choosing a Preschool in Singapore

Guide to Choosing a Preschool With your child entering their formative years, as a parent, you may have several questions and stresses of finding the p erfect preschool and navigating your way through the array of choices. If it is…
Cultivating Young Readers

“My toddler doesn’t like to read, he only tears the pages.” “My toddler chews the books so I have kept away all the books at home.” These are some of the common woes of parents and most of us can…
Ways to Foster Creativity in your Child

Everyone is creative, including you. I used to have the belief that creativity equates to harnessing a certain skill. Now, I see creativity being displayed in various ways. In a typical preschool classroom, I see myself putting out fires, healing animals,…